Musings of a Little Bay Thoroughbred


Your Daily Inspiration

Where your mind goes, energy flows,” and it’s true. I mean, if you REALLY focus on something and you want it …my whole life is like that – things come to me in this very magical way and it’s hard to describe. It’s kind of about the law of attraction and what you really focus on, what you really want, you attract. And if you start thinking about all these things that you DON’T want which a lot of people do – you just get more of THAT. I think about what I DO want and then that comes to me."-Cindy Meehl, Director.

Do yourself a favor and start your day off on a positive note-this is a great article to inspire any horse owner...but actually, as I write this, it is good for anyone.  And, if you haven't watched this movie yet, Buck, take the time-it is something every horse owner (or not!) should watch at least once, or twice, and for some of us, maybe more.  It gives everyone an opportunity to step out of themselves and view the world differently. It sounds cheesy, but I'm not kidding. xoxo, Dancer.