Musings of a Little Bay Thoroughbred


How Far We've Come....

Dancer and I had a really good time yesterday.  You know those days when you really connect?  We were just standing together in her stall while she was munching on her big pile of hay having a nice conversation.  Again, I am reminded that I need to be present in the moment and really focus.  It's hard, because I keep thinking back to when we first met and our early days together.  We were both nervous, sort of like a first date.  We were unsure of each other, wondering where things were going to lead.  It's taken us five years to get to a point where we can finish each other's sentences.  I guess you could say it's like being married.
   And, as in any relationship, there will be good days and bad days and disagreements  Most of the time we agree that there are at least two ways to view everything and we try to meet each other half way.  We've both been through so much, sometimes it is just enough to be together.  "We are both really the same, you know", Dancer tells me, in between mouthfuls of hay.  "At this point in your life, maybe you should just be happy with who you are and stop trying to change it.  Everything that has happened to you and I over the years makes us who we are today.  You want to help others, Andi?  Just keep on being who you are and that will be enough," she says.  "It's okay."

My horse is so wise.                                                                  


Who Needs An Arena When You Have This?

Thank you, Sylvana Smith from Eclectic Horseman.  Her article is brilliant!!!!!  What to do when you don't have an arena or round pen to practice with your horse?

These are things I'm sure we all do when we go for a hack on the farm property, but never really thought about it in these terms.  Did you know you are doing so much more?  Taking note of everything you do the next time you go for a ride and put it down on paper afterwards. Broken down in black and white, I'll guarantee you are accomplishing so much more than you think!

In this case, Think Outside the Arena!  You can check out her article here:

Happy Trails!  Andi and Dancer