(As told by my owner.......)
I am at such an impasse today, this week, feeling very listless and anxious. The weather definitely had something to do with it but it was also the fact that I am facing so many unknowns right now and I don't do very good with that.
I suppose no one does. I just want to continue on with how things are now, keeping all the people and things I love close to me always; I want to keep laughing with them, hugging them, just being with them.
Trekking out to the barn every day, some may look at it as a chore or a duty. I look at it as my escape, my oasis and something that is constant that I can depend on.
As I pull up the long driveway to the farm, I see Dancer-girl standing by the sliding entrance door, whinnying impatiently for me to hurry up; as if to say, "Don't you know it's feeding time?"
The comforting feeling I get knowing I'm doing good by my horse and taking care of her keeps me sane. I am in awe to think of this gorgeous, majestic 1000 pound creature. A living breathing being that is so regal and majestic; so forgiving and graceful. The motions of measuring out the feed and pouring it in the bucket, adding the mineral supplements, cutting the twine from the hay bale are almost done without thought; I will never tire of watching my mare paw the floor impatiently with her hoof,(no matter how rude this is it makes me smile-and hey, for as good as she is, she deserves a little vice!) waiting for me to serve her a meal. When I finally set it down in front of her, I hear her sigh contentedly as she begins to eat. I watch her slow, rhythmic chewing; her leg bent so she can easily reach her food.
She doesn't worry about tomorrow or ten years from now. She only cares about right now and what's happening. I try to clear my head of all things worrisome and focus on this very moment. The beautiful smell of the barn, manure and all; the little corgi barn dog standing at my feet looking up at me with a big smile. All I need to think of right now is grooming my mare and going for a hack in the field and surrounding myself with peace and tranquility.
A true gift that I need to unwrap slowly and enjoy.