Musings of a Little Bay Thoroughbred


We Will Never Pass This Way Again

Dancer and I have been taking it slow these cold winter days.  With the numbing weather and often traveling out to the barn twice a day, it has pretty much monopolized any plans for much else; other than making sure the water buckets are filled and ice free and there is plenty of hay for the herd.  I often get frustrated with myself because I feel like I should be accomplishing more.  But for who?  For me? For Dancer?  Late at night, when I've had a chance to reflect on the day, I look back and realize it was a good day. I got to spend time with my mare, check on her to make sure she and her buddies are doing fine, and I got to feel her velvet nose against my cheek.  I made sure she had a clean stall and a big pile of hay and well, that made her as happy as pie!   And I have to remind myself that, like the song goes, "we will never pass this way again."  I need to just revel in how it feels to be able to complete the simple act of taking care of my horse-how many people out there have poor health and are unable to step foot outside their doors and may never be able to do so again in their lifetime?

My cousin, Karen, who has had horrible-debilitating-with-extreme-daily-pain juvenile rheumatoid arthritis for almost her entire life said something the other day that really took my breath away and made me think.  It went something like this:  "Many people complain about the rainy days; but if God told me I could regain use of my legs for just one day, and it was raining that day, I would be so grateful and would spend every minute of it in the rain, full of joy and gratefulness just for the chance to walk."

After I read that, I tried to not be so grumpy when I was dumping water buckets and the water splashed on me, leaving me cold and wet.  Big deal, I told myself. I can go home, take a hot bath and change my pants.  At least I am here, at the barn, among some of the most wonderful things that make me happiest.  

I pray to God as often I can remember to; to make me more aware of my surroundings and I ask Him to help me appreciate all of it as much as I am able.  I have been blessed with so much that most people will never have in their lives.  I pray to Him to help me not to take it all for granted.  I know it can disappear in a heart beat and all I'll be left with is a memory.

 In my next breath, I also need to remind myself daily that all I have in this life is His.  I only have it because of His incredible grace.

Thank you, Dear Lord for all your blessings.  And thank you, cousin Karen for your beautiful spirit.

We all need to welcome the rain (and snow) more.   

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